
General Information

Consultation is done:   Online using zoom. Can be recorded.
Session time:                   Up to 90 minutes
Payment:                           Write for info
Payment Schedule:       No later than 3 days before the appointment.

Essential Data Needed:
– Full Name
– Date of Birth
– Time of Birth (as accurate as possible, from birth-certificate)
– Place of Birth (city)
– Where you currently live

Contact Information Needed:
– Your email
– Phone number (mobile)
– General availability schedule, etc.

Consultation Options

Individual:  (Natal, Life Trends, Current Events & Predictive work)

Couple (relationship):  Two separate individual sessions (Natal & predictive work)

Special Occasions

Ask a Question and Get an Answer (Horary):   Ask a specific question per a specific situation

Planning Ahead – Electional Astrology:   Electing optimal time for important events in your life, such as wedding, start of a business, buying a house, and more.  The consultation includes a personal reading.

Relocation & Astro-cartography:   Know what to expect when you are moving to a new location.  “משנה מקום משנה מזל”  The consultation includes a personal reading.

Natal Chart Rectification:   Natal chart rectification is necessary when no accurate birth time is available. It is done by analyzing important previous life events, like “reverse engineering” the chart to figure out the exact moment of birth.  The exact moment of birth enables the astrologer to work with you on future life development.