
The Astrology of Abraham Ibn Ezra:
Planets at Perigee and Apogee
Strength and Weakness of the Planet in its Own Wheel
A fundamental principle in reading the astrological chart is evaluating Strength and Weakness of the planets. One of the considerations is whether the planet is found in its Apogee or Perigee.  This consideration is rooted in Ptolemy’s cosmology, but received attention later, starting in the Arabic era. Ibn Ezra, as a transmitter of this tradition, gives us a thorough understanding of this technique.       Read more…

The Wheel of the Zodiac (‘Galgal Ha’Mazalot‘ גלגל המזלות  ) appears on the mosaic floor of an ancient Jewish synagogue from the 5th century. The figures in the corners are said to represent the four seasons of the year, but close analysis of their placement relative to the zodiacal signs shows that it does not match the known association of Aries-Spring, Cancer-Summer, Libra-Fall, Capricorn-Winter.    Read more…

From Basle to Jerusalem –
Theodor Herzl and the Birth of Modern Zionism
As Seen through Astrology.
Herzl was a heroic figure in his own time, and over the century that passed he became mythologized and even simplified. In this article I would like to portray both sides – the personal as well as the historic aspects of this important figure. The analysis also looks at the effects of Neptune as “a nation maker” in mundane astrology, and its enormous role in Jewish history.  Read more…

Counseling or Consultation
Some astrologers come from the field of psychology, which primarily deals with people’s inner life and their emotional issues. Such discussions tend to focus on the subjective inner world and attitudes.  Yet, many, if not most astrologers, practice astrology from a different angle. Some call it spiritual, while others practice ‘old-fashioned’ event-oriented predictive astrology.   Read more…

Coming Up:
– Olivia Barkley
– The Lunar Nodes
– Hades as Court Evidence